download magazineTransposing the YEAR OF THE WOMEN* – Editorial
My life really began when I found out I’m intersex at 22
That Little Tent of Blue
Questions answered on the YEAR OF THE WOMEN*
Interdependent unlearning(s) and caring for disruption
trans poetry: a meta methodology
Performance as Life
Curators' discussion, kuratieren 7, Arthur-Boskamp Stiftung (2021)
Konfliktdynamiken in den LGBTQIA+-Communities
Why is the YEAR OF THE WOMEN* so important?
12 Moons: We are fighting, wrestling, making sweet love to the spectacle.
Artivism – artists and activists on art and human rights
Aks International Minorities Festival at the Year of the Women*
The “Year of the Women*” at the Schwules Museum Berlin (2021)
A.I. Rewording
Trans* Inter* Queer Community & Health Centre
Safer Spaces and Collectivity in Feminist Porn
Vom communityzentrierten Kuratieren und dem Öffnungsprozess im Schwulen Museum
Veränderung ist nicht immer einfach – doch sie schafft so viel mehr gemeinsame Sichtbarkeit
Moving HerStories: A Talk with Second Wave Feminists
Reflexions on Current Programming Strategies of Schwules Museum Berlin. In: OnCurating 37 (2018)
Feminist Sex Wars in der deutschen Lesbenbewegung?
1918–2018: 100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht in Deutschland
Lena Rosa Händle: Pelze (2015)
double single
Das Loch
Fire Offerings
Our Vagina, Ourselves
Catchy Title [1] – Gender Abolitionism, Trans Materialism, and beyond
Queerfeminist Life And Futurity. 10 Lectures.
Opening Speech Dyke Bar SPIRITS
Queer Politics in Film: Folkbildningsterror
Sache ist:
Heidi Kull
Barbara Hammer
Opening Speech 12 Moons & Year of the Women*
Parajos del Corazon
Were the “gay men ritually smoked out” of the Schwules Museum? – A ritual and its reception.