PROUDLY PERVERTED – Perspectives on the WomenLesbianTrans*Inter* BDSM Community (073)

On September, 5th our next exhibition in the Year of the Women* cosmos opens. PROUDLY PERVERTED – Perspectives on the WomenLesbianTrans*Inter* BDSM Community, curated by Dr. Birga Meyer, presents what BDSM means to part of the FLI*T* community. It’s about BDSM identities, playing with and learning from each other, as well as the community as a whole. The FLI*T* BDSMers introduce themselves, their kink and their community.
33 FLI*T* BDSMers are individually portrayed, and more than 70 presented via objects and interviews. They come from Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, the USA and various other countries.
The practices, etiquette and types of events of the FLI*T* BDSM community differ in many aspects from those in other BDSM scenes. Desire is lived beyond traditional expectations and gender norms, subverting sexist and heteronormative ideas of lust. Consent in the most intimate contacts is negotiated together and continually reaffirmed. Respecting one’s own boundaries, as well as the boundaries of others, is the focal point that makes a kind of sexuality possible, which is self-determined and still open to relishing new experiences.
The community has perfected to learn and teach just that – through workshops, events and, of course, playing. Very few people outside of the FLI*T* BDSM community know what happens inside of it. That’s why a part of this world is presented in the exhibition PROUDLY PERVERTED at the Schwules Museum.
The exhibition PROUDLY PERVERTED isn’t exclusively for BDSMers or FLI*T* people, but for anyone who is interested in an open, feminist and consensual kind of sexuality. The FLI*T* BDSM community shows how much pleasure is possible when it isn’t tempered with by outer or inner shaming but communicated and negotiated. The etiquette and techniques that the community has developed for that purpose are exciting, regardless of sexual orientation. The exhibition wants to showcase a culture of consent and calls for better-sex-for-all!
The exhibition is only for visitors who are 18+.