Curator's tour of the exhibition RADICAL – LESBIAN – FEMINIST (in German), on the history of the Lesbian Action Center (LAZ) and the HAW Women's Group, 1972-1982.
A multitude of previously unpublished original documents, visual and audio material and, last but not least, precious treasures from private record and instrument collections illustrate for the first time the militant forms of resistance, the imaginative actions, the publications that emerged from the LAZ, as well as the wealth of projects, some of which still exist today, thus documenting the desire for lesbian life in all its facets. Also the visions of that time - the feeling of a "Lesbian Nation", which was created in numerous European lesbian summer camps, while celebrating big parties with the Flying Lesbians, in creative projects like the Lesbenpresse (Lesbian Press), or in self-defense and self-help groups.
The exhibition seeks to make the political significance of the HAW women's group and the LAZ and the actions and projects that arose from them tangible in the present. To this end, contemporary witnesses evoke the spirit of the movement at that time and, through films and discussions, stories and music, build a bridge to the reality of lesbians today, to their self-image and visibility.