Empowerment-Workshop for FLTI* (020)

Come an join the Empowerment Workshop for FLTI* (Females Lesbian Trans* Inter*) on April 16th, 6 pm, conducted by Joris. With practical and theoretical parts you can reflect on power dynamics in every-day life encounters. We want to reflect internalised patterns of body language and discuss scopes of action. The workshop will be conducted in english language. The number of participants is limited, please register in advance: carina.klugbauer@schwulesmuseum.de
Dealing with authorities or challenging situations at work, being on the subway and in the hardware store: all of us have experienced how dominance and the belief of superiority express themselves in body language. Often, we find ourselves „automatically“ in the opposite role, feeling powerless or overpowered, deprived of our space, and maybe even angry at ourselves. But there are many ways to mix up that game, to understand what‘s happening while it‘s happening and use body language consciously for ourselves in order to feel well, powerful, and safe. Understanding some ways of how society is messing with our minds can be useful, as well as training to break internalised patterns of body language or responding to certain signals by other people.
This workshop will contain explanations, demonstrations, and small-group-practice. After this workshop you will probably have some food for thought and more options in your everyday encounters. Joris facilitates workshops on consensual sexuality and also on creating consensual atmospheres in general. Joris also coaches individuals for exam situations. They have experience and training in „theatre of the oppressed“ (Augusto Boal), Contact Improvisation, and Body-Mind-Presence. Joris used to be a convinced and enthusiastic hitchhiker and used hitchhiking as a tool to explore and influence power dynamics. Joris has always been interested in exploring and „hacking“ male/female assigned patterns of movement and behaviour.